Kgrishaber I’m trying to print the template but it says this feature is not available as it can’t guarantee print size (or something to that effect). Is there a workaround that I can print the shapes to embroider or am I missing something?
Hi Katherine, welcome and thanks for your question!
It takes luck to print real-sized templates with iOS / iPadOS as the system is adjusting the printout size. I didn't find any consistency, while paper size and printer model are some influencing factors. So I decided not to offer template printing - as I cannot guaranteer its correct sizing (like it's possible with StitchBuddy on macOS).
You can save the template or send it by mail and print the PDF from other apps. By using an iOS / iPadOS app (like Apple's Mail or Files) you'd still be in the same boat with no option to control the print size (but maybe you're lucky and it just fits). If you have access to a computer (Windows PC or Mac) you could use e.g. its mail program and adjust the printout size by setting a scaling percentage. Finding the right value (most likely 100%) would be try & error - including the grid makes it at least easier to check the real size.
I'm sorry for this inconvenience, but unfortunately there is no easy solution with AirPrint on Apple's mobile devices. Is it okay to change the discussion's title, reflecting the topic is related to iOS / iPadOS, only?