michael We are having issues with the cursor just creating stitch lines everywhere we click. We can not escape out or select anything.
You're currently in the "Add Shape" function and have activated the mode to manually create paths, so every mouse click is adding an anchor point, correct? Just double-click to end the current path and you can use mouse as usual. Please refer to this support article how to create shapes and this video tutorials for illustration.
michael even though we purchase the Pro and the Creator but we still cant get the open button to appear
The mentioned "Open" button is part of the "Add shape" dialogue, more precisely in its tool bar. Can you see this panel or is it possibly obscured by some other window? If you can see the panel's toolbar, but it's lacking the "Open" item, you might have customized it. I'd suggest to right-click on the toolbar and drag the default item set to it.
Please provide some more details if your issue isn't resolved - potentially a screenshot - either here in the forum or directly by email…
Edit: I've changed the discussion's title to be more descriptive … I hope you don't mind.