Smb the menus on the left that have save, covert, etc are missing and I can’t find how to get them back.
Welcome to StitchBuddy's support forum and thanks for your question!
StitchBuddy HD 3.3 has introduced a new file management to the app on iPhones / iPads: While providing major improvements like multi-file operations and better access to storage locations, this step came with some drawbacks. For example the design gallery is no longer shown next to the selected design, so you need to switch back to the document library from an opened design to browse through your files: The design view / edit window is exclusively shown and will be dismissed by tapping on the chevron in the upper left corner. Maybe you know this concept from Apple's Pages or Numbers app?
I have published a video tutorial to ease the learning curve and to show some new capabilities, highly recommended to watch - and don't be shy to ask if you have further questions.
Just to avoid misunderstandings: Saving designs is not impacted by the app change as StitchBuddy is auto-saving every modification since years - not requiring any action in the design gallery.
This discussion will be moved into the Tips & Tricks section for better visibility.