Hi all, I'd love to have your view on the following topic:
As you might know I recently added some capabilities for generating stitches to StitchBuddy: Shapes can be created manually, based on text or by importing SVG files. These shapes can be contoured with running or zigzag stitches, and filled with Tatami patterns.
These improvements are sufficient to add some knockdown stitches or simple elements, but by no means enough to call StitchBuddy a digitizing program to punch embroidery designs.
I'm currently struggling if I made a wrong decision adding these features: They tend to raise expectations, and are obviously adding complexity to the app. First, I was targeting embroiderers who want to tweak existing designs with ease of use. Now more advanced users are expecting - if not assuming - features which are not provided, or more sophisticated training material.
- How could I make capabilities, but also limitations of these options more transparent?
- How could I better encourage potential customers to check their expectations using the free trial version? Of course an unintentional purchase can be refunded by Apple, but I'd prefer customers making a conscious purchase decision.
Really appreciate your feedback on this matter!